This year, President Kurtis has asked members to host fun lunch events around town during the dark second week of the month. These events will be hosted by members at restaurants scattered around Tucson. You can find a link to the events on the home page of the club website under Upcoming Events. There will be limited seating for each event and so reservations are required/all must sign up on the website. Members and Guests are responsible for their meal. The events are set for Wednesday, August 14th as follows:
Dan Kalm hosting at Prep and Pastry, 2660 N. Campbell Ave.
Jim Wood hosting at Vivace, 6440 N. Campbell Ave.
Glenn Ewing/Chuck Sawyer hosting at Opa's Best Greek, 4590 E. Broadway Blvd.
Bruce Jacobs hosting at Zona 78, 7301 E. Tanque Verde Rd.
We want to thank the hosts for stepping up and rolling with this initial "Events Around Town"! If you would like to host a future "Events Around Town", please let President Kurtis know. The next one will be scheduled for September 11th.