Whiskey Fellowship
The Rotary Club of Tucson has a Whiskey Fellowship. Whiskey tastings are arranged at various establishments throughout Tucson to learn, try and enjoy the fellowship. 'Brett Stein' brett.stein@nm.com coordinates the outings. If you would be interested in joining just email Brett and he can add you to his distribution list.
You asked for it - so you got it.
Details on the 8th inaugural Whisky event:
Date: September 21
Start time: 6:30
End time: That's up to you.
Who's invited: All the cool Rotarians (hence your invitation).
Who else is invited: Anyone who is philanthropic, fun, and who YOU believe could be a great Rotarian.
Cost: $20 plus an interesting bottle of whisky.
Bonus Points for: Rye, single malt scotch, or a bourbon that impresses Brett Stein.
Food: But of course... ample amounts of your favorite munches.
Where: Mitch and Bonnie Pisik's home.
Where (more specific): 4901 North Avenida de Castilla, Tucson
RSVP: Text me at: 631-943-5275 if you can make it.
Deadline to RSVP: September 17.
This is going to such fun (as per usual).
See you soon.
Mitch Pisik
The Other Co-President
Of the
Whisky Fellowship of the Rotary Club of Tucson
Brett Stein
The Other Co-President
Of the
Whisky Fellowship of the Rotary Club of Tucson