Posted by Ed Mystery on Sep 20, 2019
PRESIDENT BOB called the meeting to order. PRESIDENT BOB took a moment to reflect on how thankful he is for Rural Metro’s EMT staff, the amazing nurse Barbara, the Cardiac Care team and Dr. Gandhi at Banner. PRESIDENT BOB is very thankful for his Rotary family. PRESIDENT BOB then thanked Dorinna and Kari for all they do and all that they did during his absence. He also thanked CHUCK SAWYER for filling in at the meeting and BRUCE JACOBS for taking on the Top Golf event.
GARY HIRSCH was on the piano as JEFF HOTCHKISS lead us in the pledge and song, “My Country Tis of Thee”. The inspiration was about a young man named Brandon who at the young age of 10 overcame issues with his spine to participate in a high school marching band.
PRESIDENT BOB chose to share more of his favorite knock, knock jokes before AIMEE GRAVES introduced Guests and Visiting Rotarians. PRESIDENT BOB introduced special guests Anita McDonald, Assistant District Governor and Honorary Member, Mayor JONATHAN ROTHSCHILD, who was happy he got his DoubleTree cookie.
Our guest speaker was George Howard from Tucson Musicians Museum.  TMM’s mission is to educate our youth about the beauty of music and preserving what we have. Andrew Nichols came as George Howard’s guest and it turns out Andrew is a past Rotarian Scholarship recipient. Andrew played Sweet Home Chicago with guitarist Adrian and Corbin singing. George signed the “Music Class Today” book for the Make Way for Books library.
HUGH THOMPSON, RALPH PHILLIPS and KATHLEEN WICKS celebrated their birthday’s with us and KATHLEEN WICKS shared with us the great news about expecting a little girl.
CHARLOTTE HARRIS and SCOTT VAUGHAN lead the Paul Harris presentation honoring DAN GUARE, ROBIN STODDARD and PAST PRESIDENT CLIFF BOWMAN as our newest Paul Harris recipients.
BOB HOPKINS is our newest 50/50 raffle winner.  Congratulations BOB!
Under Announcements, PRESIDENT BOB thanked CHARLOTTE HARRIS for spending countless hours on moving our Rotary history files (all 98 years of them) from the outside storage unit to a new space by the Rotary office.  BILL and JOHN HARLOW were thanked as they supplied staff and a truck to load and unload the filing cabinets.  BOB announced the need for hosts for some out of town riders participating in the El Tour ride and BRUCE ELLWEIN gave all the reasons why one should volunteer for the Car Show.  JASON GRABOSCH would like some members to help out at the Car Show Work Day on Saturday at The Gregory School.  PP JON WANG is again selling our service shirts and BRETT STEIN wants you to show up for the Beer Fellowship while BILL KOUBA would like members to come to the Wine Fellowship.
PRESIDENT BOB adjourned the meeting on time with a toast and a quote from Mahatma Gandhi; “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.