PRESIDENT MARK started our meeting by leading us into a moment of silence for the people of the Ukraine, sharing that Russia has 127 Rotary Clubs with 1200 members, and despite being significantly smaller the Ukraine has 62 Rotary Clubs and 6 Satellite clubs with 1100 members and 24 Rotaract clubs with 300 members.
PAT PATTON led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and we all sang along to “My Country Tis of Thee” accompanied by Ride to End Polio and Pianist extraordinaire GARY HIRSCH.
KURTIS DAWSON inspired us, he thinks we need a big mirror to take a look at ourselves and reflect on all the wonderful things we do as Rotarians.
GARY OLSEN stood in as SAA and introduced our guests.
BOBBY LARSON talked about our “Sweet Sixteen(th)” Car Show and his role as the TCCS Chair. He pointed to the screen and showed us our beautiful C7 Corvette (which goes really fast, ask DAVE WHITE) that the one and only MIKE ANDERSON found and all that goes in to make it work; Volunteers, Volunteers, Volunteers, ticket sales, Our Amazing Sponsors, our Beneficiaries and more opportunities for our members to contribute in all of these areas.
Another HUGE announcement BOBBY made was in introducing our 2023 TCCS Car Show Chair: LEE OLITZKY! Congratulations and Thank you LEE!
All three signed the book “Share a Little Kindness” that will be placed in our Make Way for Books library.
We celebrated the birthdays of RICHARD WHITE who apparently grew this past year and JO DECHATELET who wants you to come party it up with her as a member of the Legacy Society.
We had a Paul Harris Presentation from CHARLOTTE HARRIS, recognizing JONI CONDIT and her three lovely and accomplished Granddaughters, congratulations to all of you.
JIM RONSTADT shared the history of a longtime friendship exchange we had with a Rotary Club from Magdalena Mexico. Hopefully we can reconnect with this club in the near future. Thank you, JIM for giving us that little history lesson.
MITCH PISIK helped out with the raffle and the winner was JAY GANDOLFI but the Queen of Hearts was drawn.
On to announcements:
Spencer Larson is the most recent addition to “Irv’s Fly Fishing Fund.
The time capsule event was a lot of fun, thanks to those who attended and JOHN MCCALEB for prepping the site for the burial of the capsule. See you in 2121…
Our Adorable stuffed bears and dogs are looking for homes for babies/grandbabies of Rotarians.
Boys and Girls Club Work Project is coming along, a work date will be posted soon.
Our club received the Silver Hero Award from Shelter box for 20-21, congratulations on the great work during JEN HOFFMAN’S Presidency!
We are having another blood drive on 5/11 at the TCC, please sign up. We are still having a blood shortage and the Red Cross needs every last drop.
LYNN DEVOU congratulated the Beer Sale volunteers from the street fair, they raised over $5,400 for Scholarships!
And, PRESIDENT MARK is posting the FINAL COUNTDOWN… 56 days til PE BRUCE JACOBS takes over as our 102 Club President.
Next week’s keynote speaker is Scott Stiteler from Downtown Tucson, hope to see you there!
PRESIDENT MARK then ended the meeting with a toast!