Posted by Ed Mystery on May 20, 2019
President CHUCK started our meeting at 12:00 noon.
ELLEN WHEELER gave the Inspiration for the day.
President Chuck informed the membership that TOM BROWNING fell this morning and was supposed to celebrate his birthday today.  Get Well Cards were circulated and the Member Support Team was informed to keep us posted on the situation with TOM.
The Pledge & Song were led by JEANNE ZETAH with GARY HIRSCH accompanying at the piano.
LUCY HOWELL introduced guests and visiting Rotarians.
We had three Birthday Rotarians at the head table today: BOB WEBB (5/15), CHUCK SAWYER (5-16), PAT LENNAN (5/18).  Happy Birthday to you gentlemen!
We had an Introduction of two New Members:
ANDY KIEL introduced his wife and New Family Member CHERYL JOHNSON.  They have started their own investment business, Optimize Investments.
BILL MESCH introduced New Member JEANNE ZETAH (Retired: Community Education).  JEANNE has been very involved in Rotary for quite some time and is looking forward to working with our Club on our many projects.
SAA BOBBY LARSON conducted the Raffle, and recognized ROBIN STODDARD for his wonderful work and accomplishments for kids in WrightFlight.  Thank you ROBIN for all you do for our youth in the community!
CHUCK SAWYER – Had a Membership Minute and also informed us of the Change of Administration Event which will take place at Hacienda Del Sol on June 29th.  We are working on a live band, dancing and a really fun time.  Rooms will be available at the resort for those that would like to spend the night.
CHUCK SAWYER - Announced the relocation of Member, KEN TUCKER to Spokane, Washington.  CHUCK thanked KEN for his many contributions he has done for the club and especially his fine work on the Programs this year.  We bid farewell and hope KEN will find his way back to Tucson for a visit.
BOBBY LARSON – Replacement/Social Mixer at Pastiche on May 29th.  Please sign up on our website under Upcoming Events.  Guest fee is $28.  Time is running out, deadline is Friday, May 24th, sign up as soon as possible.  No Lunch Meeting on the 29th.
JON WANG – History Moment – gave the finishing touches to the story on Past Member SCHUY LININGER.
JERRY HARRIS, introduced our speaker, A.J. Flick, Author – “From Obsession to Toxic Rage”.  A.J. explained the writing of “Toxic Rage” which was the story about a Tucson murder case of a young and talented eye surgeon, Brian Stidham.
PRESIDENT CHUCK presented the book “The Swamp Where Gator Hides” to A.J. for her signing and the book will go to the Make Way for Books library.  He then brought the meeting to a close with a quote and a toast.