Posted by Ed Mystery on Mar 05, 2018
VIC JACOBS gave the inspiration with a series of quotes about music, and BILL MOORE and Past President ELLIE PATTERSON led us in the Pledge and Song – an on-key version of the Star Spangled Banner.  Past President SCOTT VAUGHAN introduced our guests and visitors.
We had two Birthday Rotarians: Family Member and multi-talented KANDY HIRSCH quoted the musical “Hamilton” to remind us to look around and notice how lucky we are. KANDY also noted that the road to Heaven is paved with service. DREW VACTOR celebrated 32 years of perfect Rotary attendance, including makeups all over the world.
Everyone’s favorite Paul Harris Presenters, Past President CHARLOTTE HARRIS and President Elect Elect BOB LOGAN gave Paul Harris Pins to the following members:
  • CINDY GODWIN who values Rotary for the way it uses individual relationships to break down borders.
  • MIKE ORCUTT who sees the way Rotary changes lives drastically on an international level.
  • KANDY HIRSCH who sees how Rotary makes its members passionate about helping others.
  • JO DECHATELET who sees Rotary as a positive way to benefit the worldwide community.
  • JO DECHATELET’s son Tom Brandhuber, a Golder Ranch fire fighter.
  • …and PAT ZUMBUSCH celebrating a new grand baby and a slick looking Lute Lid to boot.
Sergeant at Arms Team JEN HOFFMAN and MARCIA KRUMWIEDE skillfully managed our record setting raffle (highest ticket total yet) and organized the following announcements:
  • President CLIFF reminded us to invite new prospective members to the Trident II Social Mixer on 3/8/18 at 5:30 p.m.
  • BILL MOORE presented a Blue Badge to KANDY HIRSCH who was everywhere this meeting – welcome KANDY!
  • MIKE ORCUTT reminded us of the Community Food Bank work project on March 24.
  • President Elect CHUCK SAWYER noted the upcoming Tree Planting opportunity on 3/1/18, 10 a.m. at the John B. Wright Elementary.
  • ROGER HARWELL needs 4th Avenue Street Fair Volunteers to serve beer for Scholarships this weekend.
  • And BRUCE JACOBS listed upcoming Car Show Ticket Sales opportunities – 4th Avenue Street Fair, SAHBA Home Show, and the Festival of Books.
ERNIE MINCHELLA and Tom McKinney, CEO of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra introduced our program: Jose Luis Gomez - Music Director of the TSO. Maestro Gomez spoke about the power of music to change lives, including the lives of the many young composers who have participated in the TSO Young Composer’s Program. Several are now returning to have works commissioned by the TSO. Maestro Gomez invited everyone to hear the TSO as they play in venues ranging from the All Souls Parade to the Hall of Music and Centennial Hall. He also signed a book for our Make Way For Books library: “Skippyjon Jones Snow What”.
President CLIFF closed the meeting with a quote from Benjamin Zander the conductor of the Boston Philharonic Orchestra: “But the conductor doesn't make a sound. He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful.”