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Oct. 30, 2024 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 02, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
What: Community Service Project/Community Food Bank
When: 9-12 Nov. 2
Where: Southern AZ Community Foodbank 3003 S. Country Club
Who: Hardworking Rotarians who want to have fun while helping others
Why: To pack food for those less fortunate
We have packed 189,000 lbs. of food over 3 volunteer days/plan to surpass 250,000 lbs. of food with this event
Contact Bobby Larson:
Nov. 03, 2024 7:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Good morning fellow hiking enthusiasts,
Due to some scheduling conflicts with other scheduled service projects and work, with the Truly Nolen community car show, I am having to change the date from Saturday, November 9 to the previous Sunday, November 3.
We will still be hiking the Bug Spring trail on Mount Lemmon but will be treating as a point-to-point hike of 4.5 miles and 1,961 feet in vertical gain. This hike is categorized as difficult but we are expected to have cool conditions on the mountain that day with morning temperatures around 40 degrees and an afternoon high of 60. We will meet at LeBuzz around 7:15AM for 7:30AM departure. Hike times should be from 8:30-ish until 12PN.
As this is going to be a point-to-point hike and 2 vehicles are required, please RSVP if you are able to attend. This will allow me to confirm transportation prior to.
See you on the trails!
Bruce Richardson.
Questions or concerns, etc. contact Bruce at
Nov. 06, 2024
![]() The Haven helps women heal from substance use disorders, stay connected with their families, and give them hope for their futures. Many women come to The Haven with very limited belongings. By gifting them starter kits, women can stay organized and be comfortable while attending the program.
The Haven is hoping to collect enough items to create 100 starter kits to welcome new members. Items can be brought to club meetings until November 6th. Rotarians are invited to visit the Haven and help assemble the kits on November 14 from 10am-12pm. Lisa Fogle will make brunch, and Rotarians have an opportunity to tour the residential facility. To register for brunch click the link below:
You can help by contributing items such as:
Composition notebooks
Coloring pencils
Coloring books
Crossword puzzle books
Stress widget toys
Art supplies
Paints and paint brushes
You can also purchase items directly from The Haven’s Amazon wish list:
For more information or help with donations, please call Lisa Fogle at (520) 419-1451.
Nov. 13, 2024 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
When registering for a lunch event, go to the event and hit the orange "Sign Up" Button on the right side of the event. Hit Member of Club and your information should auto-fill. Be sure to register your guest as well. You will be responsible for your meal. Events are set for up to 10 people. If a scheduled event allows for more than 10, there will be multiple events for that Lunch Event. Go to the next available space for these events. If you have a question regarding the event, please contact the member heading up the Lunch Event. NO LUNCH MEETING 11/13/24 Rotary Office - 520-623-2281 |
Nov. 14, 2024 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
![]() When: November 14th, 10:00am - 12:00 pm
Lead: Lisa Fogle/Aimee Graves
Totes of Inspiration
RSVP for brunch (provided by Lisa Fogle!) and to assemble Totes of Inspiration on November 14 from 10am-12pm. We will gather at The Haven to fill tote bags with supplies for 100 women who are just beginning their treatment & to learn how RCOT has helped them on their paths to recovery. You are invited to an optional tour of the grounds. RSVP on the link for brunch by Monday, November 11.
Location: The Haven, 1107 E. Adelaide Dr., 85719. There is plenty of free parking on the street. Please contact Aimee Graves with questions on where to drop off your donations after November 6th. 520.971.7247
Nov. 22, 2024 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
![]() Back by popular demand are Rotary International’s General Secretary and CEO John Hewko and lovely wife Marga. John will be providing his annual brief update on Rotary’s progress toward eliminating polio. If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet John, this is the perfect opportunity.
He has been a powerful influence in our $69 million to date success over the majority of Michael J Harris District 5500 Ride to End Polio events. ~~ Gary Hirsch
CASH BAR OPENS AT 5:00, Dinner at 6 PM, and we typically wrap up by 8 PM.
Location: Brother John’s Beer, Bourbon and BBQ… 1801 N Stone Ave.
Cost: $50 pp
Dress: Casual
Nov. 23, 2024 7:00 a.m.
Arizona Trail Maintenance - November 23rd
Lead: Chuck Sawyer (
Rotarians will provide maintenance on a section of the Arizona Trail relatively near to Tucson, to make sure that it is in good condition. The work is across a gentle terrain and on an expertly built trail. The meeting time is 7:00 a.m. and the location for carpooling is at El Con Mall on the East Side of Target at the far end of the parking lot away from the Main Entrance. Attendees can also meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead. Great views, a hike, and a work project all in one! Contact Lead: Chuck Sawyer (
Dec. 05, 2024 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Next Meeting:
Book Club Fellowship
When: Thursday, December 5th at noon.
Where: St Phillips Plaza Proof Artesian Pizza
Book: Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
Everyone is invited, you do not have to be a member of our club. Friends, spouses, Rotarians from other clubs, etc, all are welcome. This is a stand-alone meeting, no prior nor future participation is necessary to attend. There is no charge by the club, pay only for the lunch you order.
Nancy Stockton,
Dec. 07, 2024 7:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The Adopt A Road Service Project
Thank you to those hearty souls that have volunteered to help keep Tucson Clean and Beautiful. The results are very apparent with a much cleaner street! The team has worked on our road (Oracle from Wetmore to River) three times to date.
The next clean ups are scheduled as follows – all Saturdays and we start at 7:15am. Please wear closed-toed shoes, a hat and use sunscreen.
September 14th.
December 7th.
January 11th, 2025
Once we complete 6 clean ups, the city will post a sign with RCOT’s name on it as our street!
Thank you. Questions, concerns, etc. text or email: or 520 444 4109.
Dec. 07, 2024 7:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
I just wanted to get the final reminder for our hike on Saturday, 12/7 at 8AM. Projected weather for this weekend looks great and we should have a beautiful trek in the Tucson Mountains. Temperatures as we begin will be in the upper 40's and should reach the low 60's at completion with sunny conditions.
This is the official advisement of the final scheduled hike for the calendar year, 2024 and we have a great one lined up in the Tucson Mountains! Please join me for a morning on the Brown Mountain Loop, departing from the Brown Mountain Picnic Area next door to the Desert Museum. This is a great little loop hike that takes you on the ridge overlooking the Sonoran Desert Museum, Gilbert Ray campground and offers great views of the backside of the Tucson Mountains. This is a moderate hike covering 4.2 miles and 688 vertical feet with hike times projected at 3 hours from beginning to end.
We will meet at the Brown Mountain Picinic area beginning at 7:45AM for an 8AM departure. This access allows for sufficient parking so we will just meet there and no carpool necessary. I will check in as we get closer with updates on anticipated conditions and any time changes that might occur. Contact Bruce Richardson
See you on the trails!
Dec. 10, 2024 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 11, 2024 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
When registering for a lunch event, go to the event and hit the orange "Sign Up" Button on the right side of the event. Hit Member of Club and your information should auto-fill. Be sure to register your guest as well. You will be responsible for your meal. Events are set for up to 10 people. If a scheduled event allows for more than 10, there will be multiple events for that Lunch Event. Go to the next available space for these events. If you have a question regarding the event, please contact the member heading up the Lunch Event. NO LUNCH MEETING 12/11/24 Rotary Office - 520-623-2281 |
Dec. 14, 2024 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Salvation Army – Saturday, Dec. 14th- Rotarians needed: up to 60. Shifts between 10am-6 pm. LEADS: Tom Strasburg ( ) Dan Kalm ( Family members welcome, too. Two Rotarians per shift at each location. Ring bells and socialize with shoppers to encourage donations. PLease click on the link below to sign up to ring the bells. Still available times and locations:
Dec. 18, 2024 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Jan. 08, 2025 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
When registering for a lunch event, go to the event and hit the orange "Sign Up" Button on the right side of the event. Hit Member of Club and your information should auto-fill. Be sure to register your guest as well. You will be responsible for your meal. Events are set for up to 10 people. If a scheduled event allows for more than 10, there will be multiple events for that Lunch Event. Go to the next available space for these events. If you have a question regarding the event, please contact the member heading up the Lunch Event. NO LUNCH MEETING 1/8/25 Rotary Office - 520-623-2281 |
Jan. 11, 2025 7:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thank you to those hearty souls that have volunteered to help keep Tucson Clean and Beautiful. The results are very apparent with a much cleaner street! The team has worked on our road (Oracle from Wetmore to River) three times to date.
The next clean ups are scheduled as follows – all Saturdays and we start at 7:15am. Please wear closed-toed shoes, a hat and use sunscreen.
September 14th.
November 9th.
January 11th, 2025
Once we complete 6 clean ups, the city will post a sign with RCOT’s name on it as our street!
Thank you. Questions, concerns, etc. text or email: or 520 444 4109.
Jan. 11, 2025 7:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The first trek of this new year is in 9 days on Saturday, January 11th. It will provide a few options to choose from, dependent upon your own preference of distance. We will be enjoying the Phoneline Trail which offers multiple distinct options. The Phoneline Link Loop which is about 4.5 miles. An out and back to King Arthur's table or any point on the trail, really, which will extend to your chosen mileage. There is always the Phoneline Trail out and back of 9.8 miles. Lastly there is the full Phoneline Loop Trail with return on the tram road which is about 11 miles roundtrip.
Current weather forecast has the morning low in the 40's with an anticipated high of mid 60's under sunny skies. Due to the cooler temps, we will start a little later but still want to meet at 7:45AM for departure at 8AM. This will assure parking as the winter demand will be starting anytime now. Meeting place is at the Bear Canyon gate on the east end of the lot.
I hope that many will be joining on this always favorite of mine, and see you on the trails! Contact Bruce Richardson
Jan. 18, 2025 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
What: Community Service Project/Community Food Bank
When: 9-12 January 18, 2025
Where: Southern AZ Community Food Bank 3003 S. Country Club
Who: 40 Hardworking Rotarians who want to have fun while helping others
Why: To pack food for those less fortunate
We have packed 189,000 lbs. of food over 3 volunteer days
Contact Bobby Larson:
Car Show Results/Car Reveal (TCC, Meeting rms. 202-205 - Parking Lot B)
Jan. 22, 2025
Jan. 25, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lead: Nancy Gutt (
TRAK: Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids
Saturday, January 25th, February 22nd, and March 15th
Time: 8:00 - noon
Help Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids move 200 yards to its new location. TRAK Strengthens kids through animal interactions.
Come and be a "Rancher" for the day! Please bring work gloves, refillable water bottles, and wear boots or shoes that can get dirty. We will take, sweep, shovel, feed, water, brush and more!
Thank you very much!
Nancy Gutt
Why Does the Gem & Mineral Show Generate $130M for Pima Cty? (Mtg. @ Sheraton)
Jan. 29, 2025
Jan. 29, 2025 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
ROTARY CLUB OF TUCSON LUNCH MEETING SHERATON TUCSON HOTEL & SUITES ~ 12:00 Noon to 1:20 p.m. (THERE IS LIMITED SEATING, FIRST COME - FIRST SERVE) 5151 East Grant Road ~ Sabino Ballroom (Ground Floor) SPEAKER: ALEX SCHAUSS, PhD, Past-VP, UA Gem & Mineral Museum Advisory Board, "The Economic Impact of Tucson's World Famous Gem, Mineral and Fossil Shows" We are looking forward to seeing members at our meeting on January 29th at the Sheraton Tucson Hotel & Suites, 5151 E. Grant Rd., 85712 (Sabino Ballroom - Ground Floor), enter at the Meeting Room entrance. If you are choosing the OPTIONAL VEGAN MEAL, Please mark in the Comment Section of your Reservation by January 24th. Your optional meal choice ticket may be picked up at the registration desk when you arrive. PLEASE BE SURE TO REGISTER YOUR GUESTS as soon as possible. The cost for lunch is $35 and will be billed to your account or if a Prospective Member, the club will pick up the lunch fee. Please mark in the comment section "Prospect". Having this information ahead of time will enable a more accurate meal count and timely service from the Sheraton. Menu: Iced Water - Preset, China Mist Iced Tea and Coffee (at Beverage Station) Buffet: Garden Salad - Ranch and Italian Dressings; Chicken Marsala; Mashed Potatoes - W/Fresh Herbs; Asparagus The menu option below are available if reserved (please list in the comment section of your registration) by 12:00pm Friday, January 24th: Vegan; Stuffed Bell Pepper Questions, please call the Rotary Office - 520-623-2281 |
Feb. 05, 2025 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Replacement/Social Mixer @ Charro Vida 7109 N. Oracle, Tucson, AZ 85704 Time: 5:30 p.m. ~ 7:30 p.m. BE SURE TO REGISTER YOUR GUESTS! Guest Fee: $35.00 Tortilla Chips and theVida Salsa Trio Chicken and beef Mini Chimis with salsa fresca guacamole Fresh Veggie board with white bean cilantro hummus and spiced olinves Taqueria Chopped Salad with ginger lime dressing Street Taco Station to include chicken, beef, salsa roja and salsa verde, pico, cilantro, onion, flower and corn tortillas Dessert: Mini Chimis with Horchata Whip No Host Bar Come join us for some Fun & Fellowship! |
Feb. 10, 2025 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Our next meeting:
Where: Tandem American Eatery, 8864 E Tanque Verde Rd, Tucson, AZ 85749
When: Monday, February 10, noon-1:30pm
Book Discussed: Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson
All are welcome, including members, spouses, guests, friends and acquaintances who love non-fiction. No prior meeting attendance is necessary, each meeting is a stand-alone session about the selected book.
Nancy Stockton,
Feb. 12, 2025 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
When registering for a lunch event, go to the event and hit the orange "Sign Up" Button on the right side of the event. Hit Member of Club and your information should auto-fill. Be sure to register your guest as well. You will be responsible for your meal. Events are set for up to 10 people. If a scheduled event allows for more than 10, there will be multiple events for that Lunch Event. Go to the next available space for these events. If you have a question regarding the event, please contact the member heading up the Lunch Event. NO LUNCH MEETING 2/12/25 Rotary Office - 520-623-2281 |
Feb. 18, 2025 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Join us for our
Rotary Wine Fellowship
Tuesday, February 11, 5:30-7:30pm
![]() tin-AH-hahs | 6960 E Sunrise Dr at N Kolb Rd |
Includes three tastes with red, white, rose & sparkling options (1.5-2 glasses total)
All are welcome to bring an appetizer to share
$30 pp + tx
Click "Events" category in the header menu: "Tucson Rotary Club Tasting"
Feb. 22, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
TRAK - February 22nd
Help Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids maintain its new facility. TRAK Strengthens kids through animal interactions.
Lead: Nancy Gutt (
TRAK: Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids
Saturday, January 25th, February 22nd, and March 15th
Time: 8:00 - noon
Come and be a "Rancher" for the day! Please bring work gloves, refillable water bottles, and wear boots or shoes that can get dirty. We will take, sweep, shovel, feed, water, brush and more!
Thank you very much!
Nancy Gutt
Mar. 08, 2025 6:00 p.m.
You don’t want to be one of the few who miss this. Rumors are already flying that this one will be our most impressive extravaganza/lallapaloosa/production yet…..
Details, Details, Details:
Date: March 8, 2025
Day: Saturday
Start time: 6:00 PM
End time: That's up to you.
Who's invited: All the cool Rotarians (hence your invitation).
Who else is invited: Anyone/everyone who is philanthropic, fun, and who YOU believe would be a great new Rotarian; and/or your significant other..
Cost of entry: $20 plus an interesting bottle of whisky.
Can the bottle go
back home with you?: Absolutely.
Bonus Points for: A bourbon that impresses Brett Stein, or a Rye that impresses me (FYI - I'm way easier to impress than Brett).
Food: But of course... ample amounts of your favorite munches.
Where: My wife Bonnie’s and my oh so inviting home.
Where (more specific): 4901 N Avenida de Castilla, Tucson (in the Hacienda del Sol Estates community).
RSVP: e-mail me at if you can make it.
Deadline to RSVP: March 6
Maximum # of guests: 50 (don’t procrastinate to RSVP – this opportunity wouldn’t last long)
Any questions: Don’t hesitate to give me a call at 631-943-5275
Mitch Pisik
The Other Co-President
Of the
Whisky Fellowship of the Rotary Club of Tucson
Brett Stein
The Other Co-President
Of the
Whiskey Fellowship of the Rotary Club of Tucson
Mar. 15, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
TRAK - March 15th
Help Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids maintain its new facility. TRAK Strengthens kids through animal interactions.
Lead: Nancy Gutt (
TRAK: Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids
Saturday, January 25th, February 22nd, and March 15th
Time: 8:00 - noon
Come and be a "Rancher" for the day! Please bring work gloves, refillable water bottles, and wear boots or shoes that can get dirty. We will take, sweep, shovel, feed, water, brush and more!
Thank you very much!
Nancy Gutt
Apr. 12, 2025 8:30 a.m.
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